2020 Issue 11: Regenerative Agriculture — Is What Is Old Actually New Again?

by | Jul 23, 2020 | Newsletter

hands holding dirt and a seedlingRegenerative Agriculture is one of the buzz words of agriculture permeating throughout the food value system. While regenerative agriculture is a principle-based system, practices within the holistic management system do exist in traditional agriculture, a fact that is often missed by engaged consumers. Whether identified as regenerative agriculture or soil health principles, all reflect the universal goal of achieving healthy soil. With our changing economics and food supply disruptions, the importance of enhancing soil health practices will continue to evolve and be integrated with all type of farming production. Read more about this trend in the latest issue of The AgriNutrition Edge Report. This issue also previews what is coming in the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and includes a shout out to National Ice Cream Month. Read it here