Tag: Family Farm Life

We Eat Because Farmers Take the Risk

We Eat Because Farmers Take the Risk

Water and wind are powerful forces of nature for which we can try to be prepared. Buildings can be built to endure hurricane force winds and dams can control water depending on the volume. Farmers monitor weather conditions and can adjust planting and harvest of crops...

The Zucs Are Here!

The Zucs Are Here!

What is one summer vegetable that seems to “keep on giving”? If you’ve ever planted a garden or seen the striped, green (or yellow) cylinder-like vegetable in numerous farmers’ market booths, you know the answer! Zucchini! The Italian-born vegetable may get a bad rap...

Ice Cream … Any Time Is a Good Time!

Ice Cream … Any Time Is a Good Time!

Growing up in the Smith household, a celebration or special time of the year wasn’t required for ice cream. There was always a half of gallon in the freezer as the backup dessert or an addition to homemade brownies, as a meal was not complete without dessert according...

From the Almond Groves to Our Hands

From the Almond Groves to Our Hands

As with most things in our lives over the past year, our snacking habits have changed according to The Hartman Group. According to their research, “some (consumers) have taken the opportunity to clean up their snack diets, while others have slipped into less healthy...

We Need to Restore Trust in Our Farmers

We Need to Restore Trust in Our Farmers

Trust is a tricky thing. One day you say you trust someone, a brand or a service and then in a blink of an eye, your view changes. A headline, a quote or a picture shoots an arrow through the heart of that belief. Your trust level has been challenged. And feelings of...

Committed to the Core: Farmers, Food & Our Future

Committed to the Core: Farmers, Food & Our Future

Crisp colored leaves, pumpkins on the doorstep, apple orchards blazed in shades of red, vegetable soup on the stove…all signs of our idealistic fall scenario enjoyed with little thought of the challenges endured by farmers to produce these fall harvest delights....

Water: The “Juice of Life…and a Peach”

Water: The “Juice of Life…and a Peach”

We’re in the middle of the summer harvest of fruits and vegetables all across the United States and one of the stars of the season is peaches! For those of us from the southern part of the U.S., we may argue that peaches from Georgia and surrounding states are the...