Tag: Food Supply Systems

Should We “Press Pause” on Processed Foods?

Should We “Press Pause” on Processed Foods?

“Words matter” is a frequent phase we hear. While the original intent may not be associated with what we eat, it certainly resonates in today’s environment. Words like “fresh,” “natural” or “local” seem to conjure up warm feelings and images of healthy foods, while...

Cracking the Case on Eggs Beyond the Plate

Cracking the Case on Eggs Beyond the Plate

Eggs are in the headlines again! It is Easter and the lure of dying eggs and creating egg-centric dishes for holiday meals increases the attention. But it’s the cost that is getting the headlines this year. While we were spoiled for paying less than one dollar per...

Bee-Friendly Food: A Feast for All

Bee-Friendly Food: A Feast for All

Spring is beautiful in Kentucky. Dogwood, redbuds and tulip trees abound and tulips, daffodils, iris and azaleas brighten our surroundings. Garden centers bustle with energized customers looking for the perfect outdoor flowers. Farmers’ markets open with the abundance...

Despite Challenges the Outlook for Eggs Is Bright

Despite Challenges the Outlook for Eggs Is Bright

This is the time of the year when the “incredible” egg usually gets top billing. There are Easter egg hunts, Easter egg decorating, spring brunches and Sunday dinners featuring eggs in some form or fashion. However, eggs are seeing some undo focus this year as prices...