Tag: Family Meals And Recipes

How Do We Keep Our “Love for Cooking”?

How Do We Keep Our “Love for Cooking”?

Cooking fatigue or cooking inspiration? Which of these terms describe you? After all it’s December and our usual annual return to the kitchen for holiday cooking is not unique this year. We have been in the kitchen since March. According to consumer research, over 80%...

Reflections of Resiliency … Actions Speak Volumes

Reflections of Resiliency … Actions Speak Volumes

This is not a usual Thanksgiving season. But it is our reality. Perhaps this year our celebration reflects more accurately the resiliency of our forefathers 400 years ago at Plymouth Rock than our modern, relatively-trouble free 20th century life. As described in a...

The Tale of Kale … More than a Pretty Plate!

The Tale of Kale … More than a Pretty Plate!

For many, sourdough bread has been the center of focus in the kitchen during the pandemic. For me, it’s been kale! What started as an opportunity to grow a few leafy greens in our backyard in early spring — while being “confined” to home — has become a focal point of...

Back to the Table: The Art of Enjoying Food

Back to the Table: The Art of Enjoying Food

When I think about some of the most memorable and fun times over the past few months, I smile remembering the birthday dinner preparation with my niece and sister-in-law, the dinner and conversation around our table with long-time friends, the fishing experience with...