Tag: Food Supply Systems

Our Holiday Meals — Pricey But Truly Priceless

Our Holiday Meals — Pricey But Truly Priceless

We are starting to regain some normality to the holidays but amid our anticipation, looming headlines about the price of food hit us in the face and pocketbook. Regardless of the media source, there is a consistent theme: our Thanksgiving dinner (and future holiday...

In Case You Were Wondering ….

In Case You Were Wondering ….

Recently, one of my friends, a culinary extraordinaire, asked me a simple but complicated question: “Why can I only find 20 pound turkeys at the grocery store when I am only cooking for two?” Even though I didn’t have an informed answer at the time, I knew I could...

Don’t Let Fresh Get in the Way of Eating Healthy

Don’t Let Fresh Get in the Way of Eating Healthy

It was the middle of winter in Chicago with snow on the ground (sounds familiar?) and during a question-and-answer session following a presentation I had just given, an audience member asked “What is the one food or nutrition myth you would like to bust”? Without...

Shining Stars Among Grim Realities

Shining Stars Among Grim Realities

With farmer’s markets brimming with vegetables and strawberries, beautiful sunny mornings and French roast coffee brewing, I could easily forget we’re still “in this” (even with a mask on!). The pandemic, the long-term lingering effects of hunger, unemployment and...

A Perfect Storm Blows Through the Food Chain

A Perfect Storm Blows Through the Food Chain

Food is at the core of our existence and our conflicts. “Wars (figuratively and literally) have been fought over food and continue to be fought today in developed and underdeveloped countries," is a statement I wrote in a recently published article on nutrition and...