Tag: Sustainability

Celebrate the Farmer

Celebrate the Farmer

It’s National Farmer’s Day but for the average farmer October 12th is no different than any other day. It’s just another day to rise early, check the weather and prepare for the day’s tasks at hand. And most would say… “We don’t need a celebration, we’re just doing our job.” But it is good to remember that we have food and drink today because of a farmer!

When Did We Lose the “Farm to Food” Connection?

When Did We Lose the “Farm to Food” Connection?

The connection of farm to plate is not a new concept to me – actually it’s part of my DNA. So as the new-found love for “everything local” and the renewed interest for understanding the farm-to-plate connection has developed over the years, I have to sit back and ponder, “When did we lose the farm to food connection?”