Tag: Dairy

Ice Cream … Any Time Is a Good Time!

Ice Cream … Any Time Is a Good Time!

Growing up in the Smith household, a celebration or special time of the year wasn’t required for ice cream. There was always a half of gallon in the freezer as the backup dessert or an addition to homemade brownies, as a meal was not complete without dessert according...

Get the Facts: Dairy Is Not the Enemy

Get the Facts: Dairy Is Not the Enemy

Speaking from experience, it’s not easy to be a dairy farmer regardless of the size of the farm or the era in which it operates. Even though it’s been 30 years since cows grazed the pastures of my family farm, the passion and commitment of my late father can still be...

We Need to Restore Trust in Our Farmers

We Need to Restore Trust in Our Farmers

Trust is a tricky thing. One day you say you trust someone, a brand or a service and then in a blink of an eye, your view changes. A headline, a quote or a picture shoots an arrow through the heart of that belief. Your trust level has been challenged. And feelings of...

Is Milk by Any Other Name Still Milk?

Is Milk by Any Other Name Still Milk?

When I grew up, the term “milk” meant it was from a cow (our cows) and my only decision was whether to drink “whole” milk direct from the Holstein herd or buy "our processor" skim milk from the grocery store (which did not sit well with my father). Luckily, none of...

2019 Issue 7: Five Facts About Dairy

2019 Issue 7: Five Facts About Dairy

The latest issue of The AgriNutrition Edge Report is now available. Check out my new blog, “This I Know To Be True: Five Facts About Dairy.” June is National Dairy Month and I look at the challenges of dairy farming (it’s not for the faint of heart!) as well as...