With Labor Day behind us, our summer quests (and sweats) start to fade, leaving us with memories, smiles and miles behind us. Like many, my travels this summer — from across the country to across the oceans — opened doors to new adventures and reminded me that while...
Tag: Food
The Story Beyond the Plate — A Reflection of Mongolian Culture and Land Intertwined
I learned from my father to pay attention to the land! Even though my father’s travels never extended beyond his tri-state region after World War II, it did not squelch his desire to know the status of agriculture wherever I traveled. During my travels over the years,...
Summer Memories on An Index Card
As it would be no surprise to anyone, I have volumes of recipe books, not to mention my recent addition of a NYT Cooking subscription. But it’s my wooden recipe box of 45+ years filled with dog-eared, ink smeared, and handwritten index cards that hold a lot of summer...
Tracking the Trends — What Will Shine for 2023?
Trends like weather are forecasts. Some will shine through while others may get covered with a dark cloud. Regardless of what consumer surveys or noted chefs may predict,1 unexpected storms, like pandemic-related supply chain snafus, can alter the path. Looking back...
“Weathering” the Economic Risk — From Orange Groves to Wheat Fields — for Food on the Table
A weather radio sat on my kitchen table. I woke up every day to Radio 700 AM broadcasting weather and news. Weather dominated our conversations. The memories and realities of whether it was going to "rain or shine” controlled the order of the farm day (other than the...
5 Tips to Keep Holiday Food Safe and Prevent Waste
It’s Thanksgiving Week … and our thoughts turn to food! Whether we’re in the middle of thawing turkeys, baking pies, or placing a last-minute order, how we store and prepare our food needs to be top of mind! Here are five essential tips for your list! With this year’s...
Is “Healthy” Really Healthy? FDA Wants to Make It So
We talk about “Eating Healthy,” “Healthy Food” or certain ingredients being “Healthy,” but has all this talk changed our eating habits? Probably not! The reality is that 80% of consumers in the U.S. aren’t eating enough vegetables, fruit and dairy (despite the...
Taking A Bite Out of Food Waste Starts with Savvy Produce Storage
Headlines highlight it, grocery stores address it and consumers talk about it, but how serious are we about the cost of food waste? In a recent Forbes article citing the cost of food waste, it is estimated that $400 billion dollars or 100 billion pounds of food are...
Seeing Beyond the “Castle From My Window” – Is Agritourism the New “Crop” to Preserve the Land?
Travel was never part of my family “DNA” during my childhood. The daily chores of dairy farm life limited any “time off” for my parents, especially my father. But Sunday afternoon drives through the countryside were my father’s “time away” to explore and check out...
2022 Issue 4: All Things Local are Global — The Seeds of Exploration
Food is at the core of our existence. As we celebrate March as National Nutrition Month, we are reminded of the role food plays not only in our personal and planetary health, but overall global security and economics. This year’s Nutrition Month theme “Celebrate a...