“Don’t let the door hit you on your way out” may be one of the more appropriate phrases as we bid adieu to 2020. What a way to start a decade! In my January 2020 blog, I wrote, “What will happen in the next 10 years to feed the world? And restore consumers’ trust in...
Tag: Resiliency
2020 Issue 16: Reflections of Resiliency … Actions Speak Volumes
This is not a usual Thanksgiving season. But it is our reality. Perhaps this year our celebration reflects more accurately the resiliency of our forefathers 400 years ago at Plymouth Rock than typical years. Since March, we’ve seen disruptions in our food distribution...
Reflections of Resiliency … Actions Speak Volumes
This is not a usual Thanksgiving season. But it is our reality. Perhaps this year our celebration reflects more accurately the resiliency of our forefathers 400 years ago at Plymouth Rock than our modern, relatively-trouble free 20th century life. As described in a...
Farmers’ Markets – A Reflection of Resiliency and Community Spirit
Visions of bright red tomatoes, sweet corn in the husk and zucchini of all shapes and sizes “dance in our heads” and on our plates as the farmers’ market season is in full swing across most of our country. In fact, the first week of August was designated National...